Immersive Reality Lab

Core topics
Extended Reality (XR)

Extended Reality refers to a spectrum of immersive technologies, including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), that blend the physical and digital worlds, offering varying levels of interaction and immersion and are used across several industries.

UX Research

User Experience Research focuses on understanding how users interact with a product or system, employing various methods like surveys, observations, and usability testing to assess factors like satisfaction, efficiency, and overall experience.


Biosensors are devices that detect and measure biological information, such as heart rate, brain activity, or muscle movements, converting physiological signals into data for monitoring or research purposes, often used in health, fitness, and human-computer interaction studies.

About Us
Exploring the Frontiers of Immersive Technology

At the Immersive Reality Lab of Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt (HSHL), we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible with immersive media and technologies.

Our lab is a hub for innovation, focusing on a wide array of immersive technologies including Extended Reality (XR), Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and gaming, alongside applications of these technologies in healthcare.

Our work extends beyond the creation of immersive experiences to encompass user experience design, interaction and usability concepts, and usability engineering.

Click the category to show the list of publications.


  • Herrmann, W. J., Leser, U., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. (Eds.) (2024). The digitalization of healthcare for older adults. - Digitalization as an answer to substantial challenges in our healthcare system. Berlin: Berlin Universities Publishing.
  • Antons, J.-N. (2015). Neural Correlates of Quality Perception for Complex Speech Signals. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.

Book Chapter

  • Hillmann, S., Ashrafi, N., Graf, P., Harnisch, P. L., Jansen, E., Marquard, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024). Multimodal Interactive Assistance for the Digital Collection of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures. In Herrmann, W. J., Leser, U., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. (Eds.) (2024). The digitalization of healthcare for older adults. - Digitalization as an answer to substantial challenges in our healthcare system. Berlin: Berlin Universities Publishing.
  • Vona, F., Ashrafi, N., Ceranic, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024). Using Immersive Technologies to support healthcare of elderly and fragile people. In Herrmann, W. J., Leser, U., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. (Eds.) (2024). The digitalization of healthcare for older adults. - Digitalization as an answer to substantial challenges in our healthcare system. Berlin: Berlin Universities Publishing.
  • Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S., Schleicher, R. & Möller, S. (2014). Brain Activity Correlates of Quality of Experience. In S. Möller & A. Raake (Eds.), Quality of Experience (pp.109–120). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  • Schleicher, R. & Antons, J.-N. (2014). Evoking Emotions and Evaluating Emotional Impact. In S. Möller & A. Raake (Eds.), Quality of Experience (pp.121–132). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Journal (peer-reviewed)

  • Supplieth, J., Lech, S., O’Sullivan, J. L., Spang, R. P., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Schuster, J. (to appear). The development of a tablet-based outpatient care for people with dementia – A feasibility study. JMIR Human Factors.
  • Haeger, C., Mümken, S. A., Spang, R. P., Brauer, M., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Gellert, P. (2024). Außerhäusliche Mobilität von Personen ab 75 Jahren im ländlichen Raum. Ergebnisse aus einer GPS-Studie. Bundesgesundheitsblatt.
  • Marquardt, M., Graf, P., Jansen, E., Hillmann, S., & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024). Situativität, Funktionalität und Vertrauen: Ergebnisse einer szenariobasierten Interviewstudie zur Erklärbarkeit von KI in der Medizin. Journal for Technology Assessment in Theory and Practice, 33(1), 41-47.
  • Lech, S., Gellert, P., Spang, R., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Huscher, D., O'Sullivan, J. L., Schuster, J. (2023). Effectiveness of a tablet-based intervention for people living with dementia in primary care – A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 38, 12, e6035.
  • Kojić, T., Spang. R. P., Vergari, M., Meier, L., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N (2023). Effects of User Factors on User Experience in Virtual Reality - Age, Gender, and VR Experience as Influencing Factors for VR Exergames. Quality and User Experience. 8, 3.
  • Spang. R. P., Haeger, C., Mümken, S.A., Brauer, M., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Gellert, P. (2023). Smartphone Global Positioning System–Based System to Assess Mobility in Health Research: Development, Accuracy, and Usability Study. JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies. 10:e42258.
  • Pinilla, A., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Garcia, J. A., Raffe, W. & Möller, S. (2023). Real-time affect detection in virtual reality: a technique based on a three-dimensional model of affect and EEG signals. Front. Virtual Real. 3:964754.
  • O'Sullivan, J. L., Lech, S., Gellert, P., Grittner, U., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S., Kuhlmey, A., & Nordheim, J. (2022). A tablet-based intervention for activating nursing home residents with dementia: results from a cluster-randomized controlled trial. International psychogeriatrics, 34(2), 129–141.
  • Lech, S., O’Sullivan, J.L., Drewelies, J., Herrmann, W., Spang, R., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Nordheim, J., & Gellert, P. (2021). Dementia care and the role of guideline adherence in primary care: cross-sectional findings from the DemTab study. BMC Geriatr, 21, 717.
  • Pieper, K., Spang, R. P., Prietz, P., Möller, S., Paajanen, E., Vaalgamaa, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2021). Working with environmental noise and noise-cancellation: A workload assessment with EEG and subjective measures. Front. Neurosci. 15:771533.
  • Pinilla, A., Garcia, J. A., Raffe, W., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Spang, R. & Möller, S. (2021). Emotion visualization in Virtual Reality: An integrative review. Front. Virtual Real. 2:630731.
  • Shahal, A., Spang, R., Minge, M., Trahms, C. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2021). User-Specific Touch Interfaces: A Viable Solution for an Aging Society?, Behaviour & Information Technology,
  • Porcu, S., Floris, A., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Atzori, L. & Möller, S. (2020). Estimation of the Quality of Experience During Video Streaming From Facial Expression and Gaze Direction. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2702-2716. IEEE Communications Society Multimedia Communications Technical Committee 2023 Best Journal Paper Award
  • Junge, S., Gellert, P., O’Sullivan, J.L., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Kuhlmey, A. & Nordheim, J. (2020). Quality of life in people with dementia living in nursing homes: validation of an eight-item version of the QUALIDEM for intensive longitudinal assessment. Qual Life Res 29, 1721–1730,
  • Cha, J.*, Voigt-Antons, J.-N.*, Trahms, C., O’Sullivan, J., Gellert, P., Kuhlmey, A., Möller, S. & Nordheim, J. (2019). Finding critical features for predicting quality of life in tablet-based serious games for dementia. Quality and User Experience, 1-13, *Shared first authorship
  • Regal, G.*, Voigt-Antons, J.-N.*, Schmidt, S., Schrammel, J., Kojić, T., Tscheligi, M. & Möller, S. (2019). Questionnaires Embedded in Virtual Environments: Reliability and positioning of rating scales in Virtual Environments. Quality and User Experience, 1-13, *Shared first authorship
  • Lech, S., O’Sullivan, J. L., Gellert, P., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Nordheim J. (2019). Tablet-Based Outpatient Care for People With Dementia - The DemTab Study Protocol. GeroPsych, 32(3), 135-144,
  • Uhrig, S., Mittag, G., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2019). P300 indicates context-dependent change in speech quality beyond phonological change. Journal of Neural Engineering,
  • Ernsting, C., Stühmann, L.M., Dombrowski, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Kuhlmey, A. & Gellert, P. (2019). Associations of Health App Use and Perceived Effectiveness in People with Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes – a Population-based Survey. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(3):e12179,
  • Uhrig, S., Mittag, G., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2019). Neural correlates of speech quality dimensions analyzed using electroencephalography (EEG). Journal of Neural Engineering, 16(3),
  • Núñez Castellar, E. P., Antons, J.-N., Marinazzo, D. & Van Looy, J. (2019). Mapping attention during gameplay: assessment of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) markers in an auditory Oddball task. Psychophysiology, e13347,
  • O’Sullivan, J., Gellert, P., Hesse, H., Jordan, L.-M., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Nordheim J. (2018). Exploring Attitudes of Healthcare Professionals towards ICT-based Interventions for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia: A Mixed-Methods Approach. Contemporary Nurse, 54(1), 13-25,
  • Uhrig, S., Arndt, S., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2017). Perceptual references for independent dimensions of speech quality as measured by electroencephalography. Quality and User Experience, 2(1), 1-10,
  • Radun, J., Nuutinen, M., Antons, J.-N. & Arndt, S. (2017). Did you notice it? – How can we predict the subjective detection of video quality changes from eye movements? Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 11, 37-47,
  • Engelke, U., Darcy, D. P., Mulliken, G. H., Bosse, S., Martini, M.G. Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Chan, K. Y., Ramzan, N. & Brunnström, K. (2017). Psychophysiology-based QoE Assessment: A Survey. Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 11, 6-21,
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., & Möller, S. (2016). Using Electroencephalography to Analyze Sleepiness due to Low-quality Audiovisual Stimuli. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 42, 120-129,
  • Köster, F., Möller, S., Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S., Guse, D. & Weiss, B. (2014). Methods for Assessing the Quality of Transmitted Speech and of Speech Communication Services. Acoustics Australia, 42, 179–184.
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2014). Using Electroencephalography to Measure Perceived Video Quality. Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 8, 366–376,
  • Porbadnigk, A. K., Treder, M., Blankertz, B., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Möller, S., Curio, G. & Müller, K.-R. (2013). Single-trial analysis of the neural correlates of speech quality perception. J. Neural Eng., 10, 1–20,
  • Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Arndt, S., Möller, S., Porbadnigk, A. K. & Curio, G. (2012). Analyzing Speech Quality Perception using Electro-Encephalography. Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 6, 721–731,

Other Journal

  • Lopes, P., Voigt-Antons J.-N., Garcia, J., & Melhart, D. (2023) Editorial: User states in extended reality media experiences for entertainment games. Front. Virtual Real. 4:1235004.
  • Haeger, C., Mümken, S.A., O‘Sullivan, J.L., Spang, R.P., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Stockburger, M., Dräger, D. & Gellert, P. (2022). Mobility enhancement among older adults 75 + in rural areas: Study protocol of the MOBILE randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatr 22, 65.
  • Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Kojić, T. (2021). Towards an updated understanding of immersive multimedia experiences. ACM SIGMM Records, 13(4), Article 7, (2021).
  • Kim, E., Laird, L., Wilson, C., Bieg, T., Mildner, P., Möller, S., Schatz, R., Schwarz, S., Spang, R., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Rochon, E. (2021). Implementation and Effects of an Information Technology-Based Intervention to Support Speech and Language Therapy Among Stroke Patients with Aphasia: Protocol for a Virtual Randomized Controlled Trial, JMIR Research Protoc. 2021;10(7):e30621,
  • Perkis, A., Timmerer, C., Baraković, S., Husić, J. B., Bech, S., Bosse, S., ... , Voigt-Antons, J.-N., … (2020). QUALINET White Paper on Definitions of Immersive Media Experience (IMEx). arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07032.

Conference (peer-reviewed)

  • Vergari, M., Kojic, T., Wardah, W., Warsinke, M., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S. & Spang, R. (2024, October). Digital Eyes: Social Implications of XR EyeSight. Paper presented at the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2024), Trier, Germany.
  • Warsinke, M., Kojic, T., Vergari, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2024, October). VR Cloud Gaming UX: Exploring the Impact of Network Quality on Emotion, Presence, Game Experience and Cybersickness. Paper presented at the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2024), Greater Seattle Area, USA.
  • Ashrafi, N., Vona, F., Ringsdorf, C., Vergari, M., Schorlemmer, J., Marquardt, M., & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, October). Enhancing Job Interview Preparation Through Immersive Experiences Using Photorealistic, AI-powered Metahuman Avatars. Paper presented at the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2024), Greater Seattle Area, USA.
  • Ashrafi, N., Hinzmann, S. L., Vona, F., Graf, P., Harnisch, P., Marquardt, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, October). Single Vs Dual: Influence of the Number of Displays on User Experience Within Virtually Embodied Conversational Systems. Paper presented at the 30th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST 2024), Trier, Germany.
  • Kaeder, J., Vergari, M., Biener, V., Kojic, T., Grubert, J., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, October). Working with Mixed Reality in Public: Effects of Virtual Display Layouts on Feeling of Safety, Productivity and Social Acceptability. Paper presented at the 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2024), Greater Seattle Area, USA.
  • Vona, F., Hinzmann, S. L., Stern, M., Ćeranić, M., Grieshammer, D. K. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, June). Investigating the impact of virtual element misalignment in collaborative Augmented Reality experiences. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2024), Karlshamn, Sweden.
  • Warsinke, M., Kojic, T., Vergari, M., Spang, R. O., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2024, June). Comparing Continuous and Retrospective Emotion Ratings in Remote VR Study. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2024), Karlshamn, Sweden.
  • Cocchia, L., Vergari, M., Kojic, T., Vona, F., Möller, S., Garzotto, F. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, June). The Impact of Social Environment and Interaction Focus on User Experience and Social Acceptability of an Augmented Reality Game. Paper presented at the 16th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2024), Karlshamn, Sweden.
  • Stellmacher, C., Pujianto, F. I., Kojic, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Schöning, J. (2024, May). Experiencing Dynamic Weight Changes in Virtual Reality Through Pseudo-Haptics and Vibrotactile Feedback. Paper presented at the annual conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI 2024), Honolulu, USA.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Knuth, S., Warsinke, M., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, April). Influence of Gameplay Duration, Hand Tracking, and Controller Based Control Methods on UX in VR. Paper presented at the 16th International Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems (MMVE ’24), Bari, Italy.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Podratz, M., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, March). The Influence of Extended Reality and Virtual Characters' Embodiment Levels on User Experience in Well-Being Activities. Paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2024), Orlando, FL, USA.
  • Koleva, K. G., Vergari, M., Kojić, T., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, March). Influence of Personality and Communication Behavior of a Conversational Agent on User Experience and Social Presence in Augmented Reality. Paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2024), Orlando, FL, USA.
  • Vergari, M., Kojic, T., Bertges, N., Vona, F., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2023, June). Exploring users' sense of safety in public using an Augmented Reality application. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2023), Ghent, Belgium.
  • Ashrafi, N., Schmitt, V., Spang, R. P., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2023, June). Protect and Extend - Using GANs for Synthetic Data Generation of Time-Series Medical Records. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2023), Ghent, Belgium. - Diversity and Societal Impact Award
  • Kojic, T., Vergari, M., Vona, F., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2023, June). An Investigation of the Influence of Ambient Noise on User Experience in Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2023), Ghent, Belgium.
  • Spang, R. P., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2022, September). The Storytime Dataset: Simulated Videotelephony Clips for Quality Perception Research. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2022), Lippstadt, Germany.
  • Vergari, M., Spang, R. P., Kojić, T., Hesse, B., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2022, September). Investigation of Personal Space perception in Augmented Reality. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2022), Lippstadt, Germany.
  • Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Spang, R., Kojić, T., Meier, L., Vergari, M. & Möller, S. (2021, March). Don’t Worry be Happy - Using virtual environments to induce emotional states measured by subjective scales and heart rate parameters. Paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2021), Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Vergari, M., Kojić, T., Vona, F., Garzotto, F., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2021, March). Influence of Interactivity and Social Environments on User Experience and Social Acceptability in Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2021), Lisbon, Portugal. - IEEE VR 2021 - Conference Paper Honorable Mention
  • Kojić, T., Ashipala, S., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2020, December). Exploring Visualisation for Financial Statements in Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), Utrecht, Netherlands.
  • Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Lehtonen, E., Palacios, A. & Ali, D. (2020, May). Comparing emotional states induced by 360 videos via head-mounted display and computer screen. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2020), Athlone, Ireland.
  • Greinacher, R., Kojić, T., Meier, L., Parameshappa, R., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2020, May). Impact of Tactile and Visual Feedback on Breathing Rhythm and User Experience in VR Exergaming. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2020), Athlone, Ireland.
  • Krüger, C., Kojić, T., Meier, L., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2020, May). Development and Validation of Pictographic Scales for Rapid Assessment of Affective States in Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2020), Athlone, Ireland.
  • Kojić, T., Ali, D., Greinacher, R., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2020, May). User Experience of Reading in Virtual Reality — Finding Values for Text Distance, Size and Contrast. Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2020), Athlone, Ireland.
  • Kojić, T., Nugyen, L. T. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2019, December). Impact of Constant Visual Biofeedback on User Experience in Virtual Reality Exergames. Paper presented at the 1st International Workshop on Bridging the Gap between Semantics and Multimedia Processing (SeMP 2019) at the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2019), San Diego, USA.
  • Vashisth, G., Mikhailov, M., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Roller, R. (2019, August). Exploring Diachronic Changes of Biomedical Knowledge using Distributed Concept Representations. Paper presented at the 18th ACL Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing (BioNLP 2019), Florence, Italy.
  • Kojić, T., Schmidt, S., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2019, June). Influence of Network Delay in Virtual Reality Multiplayer Exergames: Who is actually delayed?. Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2019), Berlin, Germany.
  • Kojić, T., Sirotina, U., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2019, June). Influence of UI Complexity and Positioning on User Experience During VR Exergames. Paper presented at the 11th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2019), Berlin, Germany.
  • Porcu, S., Uhrig, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Möller, S. & Atzori, L. (2019, June). Emotional Impact of Video Quality: Self-Assessment and Facial Expression Recognition. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2019), Berlin, Germany.
  • Arndt, S., Perkis, A. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2018, October). Using Virtual Reality and Head-Mounted Displays to Increase Performance in Rowing Workouts. Paper presented at the 1th International Workshop on Multimedia Content Analysis in Sports, Seoul, Korea.
  • Dimitrov, T., Kramps, O., Naroska, E., Bolten, T., Demmer, J., Ressel, C., Könen, S., Matthies, O., Habibi, A., Polzehl, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Matip, E.-M., Mertens, J. & Heutelbeck, D. (2018, June). „OurPuppet“ – Entwicklung einer Mensch-Technik-Interaktion für die Unterstützung informell Pflegender. Paper presented at the 1th cluster conference „Future of Nursing Care“, Oldenburg, Germany.
  • Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Schmidt, S., Tetzlaff, L., Kortowski, B., Sirotina, U. & Möller, S. (2018, May). Influence of Virtual Environments and Conversations on User Engagement During Multiplayer Exergames. Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy.
  • Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Hoßfeld, T., Egger-Lampl, S., Schatz, R. & Möller, S. (2018, May). User Experience of Web Browsing - The Relationship of Usability and Quality of Experience. Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy.
  • Uhrig, S., Möller & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2018, May). Dissociating Perceptual Quality Dimensions of Transmitted Speech Using Electroencephalography. Poster presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy.
  • Schmidt, S., Ehrenbrink, P., Weiß, B., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Kojić, T., Möller, S. & Johnston, A. (2018, May). Impact of Virtual Environments on Motivation and Engagement during Exergames. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy.
  • Trahms, C., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2018, May). Estimating Quality Ratings from Touch Interactions in Mobile Games. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy.
  • Uhrig, S., Michael, T., Möller, S., Keller, P. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2018, May). Effects of delay on perceived quality, behavior and oscillatory brain activity in dyadic telephone conversations. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy.
  • Küster, L., Trahms, C. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2018, May). Predicting personality traits from touchscreen based interactions. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2018), Sardinia, Italy.
  • Schiller, C., Jettkowski, K., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Dohle, C. (2017, December). BeST-App: Mobile Applikation eines Spiegeltherapie-Eigentrainings nach Schlaganfall. Poster presented at the 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation e. V. (DGNR). Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation (DGNR), Berlin, Germany.
  • Yadav, M., Küster, L., Trahms, C. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2017, October). Comparing standard assessment of cognitive and motor abilities with the performance measures of mobile-health apps. Poster presented at the 9th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII 2017), Berlin, Germany.
  • Trahms, C., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2017, July). Towards prediction of user experience from touch interactions with mobile applications. Poster presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Vancouver, Canada.
  • De Moor, K. Arndt, S., Ammar, D., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Perkis, A. & Heegaard, P. (2017, May). Exploring diverse measures for evaluating QoE in the context of WebRTC. Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2017), Erfurt, Germany.
  • Arndt, S. & Antons, J.-N. (2016, August). Enhancing Video Streaming Using Real-Time Gaze Tracking. Paper presented at the 5th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2016), Berlin, Germany.
  • Kraus, L., Antons, J.-N., Kaiser, F. & Möller, S. (2016, August). User Experience in Authentication Research: A Survey. Paper presented at the 5th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2016), Berlin, Germany.
  • Núñez Castellar, E. P., Antons, J.-N., Marinazzo, D. & Van Looy, J. (2016, June). Measuring flow through attentional engagement during game play: validation of a novel technique. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2016), Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Antons, J.-N., O’Sullivan, J., Arndt, S., Gellert, P., Nordheim, J., Möller, S. & Kuhlmey, A. (2016, April). PflegeTab: Enhancing Quality of Life Using a Psychosocial Internet-based Intervention for Residential Dementia Care. Poster presented at the 8th Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII 2016), Seattle, USA.
  • Arndt, S., Brunnström, K., Cheng, E., Engelke, U., Möller, S. & Antons, J.-N. (2016, February). Review on Using Physiology in Quality of Experience. Poster presented at the International Symposium on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (HVEI 2016), San Francisco, USA.
  • Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S., De Moor, K. & Zander, S. (2015, May). Impact of Perceived Quality and other Influencing Factors on Emotional Video Experience. Paper presented at the 7th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2015), Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece.
  • Beyer, J., Varbelow, R., Antons, J.-N. & Zander, S. (2015, May). A method for feedback delay measurement using a low-cost Arduino microcontroller. Paper presented at the 7th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2015), Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece.
  • Greiner, S., Antons, J.-N. & Wechsung, I. (2015, May). Emotional Responses to Thermally Augmented Audiovisual Stimuli. Paper presented at the 7th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2015), Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece.
  • Beyer, J., Varbelow, R., Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2015, May). Using electroencephalography and subjective self-assessment to measure the influence of quality variations in cloud gaming. Paper presented at the 7th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2015), Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece.
  • Möller, S., Antons, J.-N., Beyer, J., Egger, S., Núñez Castellar, E. P., Skorin-Kapov, L & Suznjevic, M. (2015, May). Towards a New ITU-T Recommendation for Subjective Methods Evaluating Gaming QoE. Paper presented at the 7th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2015), Costa Navarino, Messinia, Greece.
  • Núñez Castellar, E. P., Antons, J.-N., Vervaeke, J., de Ferrere, E. & Van Looy, J. (2015, May). Indirect assessment of subjective flow experience during game play: adaptation of an attentional behavioral paradigm. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Game Studies Preconference (ICA 2015), San Juan, Puerto Rico.
  • Hesse, B., Morkisch, N., Antons, J.-N. & Dohle, C. (2014, December). Evaluation von automatisierter Erfassung der Blickzuwendung während der Spiegeltherapie. Paper presented at the 5th Gemeinsamen Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation (DGNR) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurotraumatologie und Klinische Neurorehabilitation (DGNKN). Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation (DGNR), Singen, Germany.
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2014, September). Is Low Quality Media Affecting the Level of Fatigue?. Poster presented at the 6th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2014), Singapore, Singapore.
  • Arndt, S., Radun, J., Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2014, September). Using Eye-Tracking and Correlates of Brain Activity to Predict Quality Scores. Poster presented at the 6th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2014), Singapore, Singapore.
  • Arndt, S., Wenzel, M., Antons, J.-N., Köster, F., Möller, S. & Curio, Gabriel (2014, September). A Next Step Towards Measuring Perceived Quality of Speech Through Physiology. Paper presented at the 15th Annual Conference of International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2014), Singapore, Singapore.
  • Rehman Laghari, K., Gupta, R., Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Möller, S. & Falk, T. H. (2014, May). Characterization of Human Emotions and Preferences for Text-to-Speech Systems Using Multimodal Neuroimaging Methods. Paper presented at the IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2014), Toronto, ON, Canada.
  • Laghari, K., Gupta, R., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Falk, T. H. (2013, December). Objective Characterization of Human Behavioural Characteristics for QoE Assessment: A Pilot Study on the Use of Electroencephalography Features. Paper presented at the Globecom 2013 Workshop - Quality of Experience for Multimedia Communications (QoEMC 2013), Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Gupta, R., Laghari, K., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Falk, T. H. (2013, November). The Effects of Text-to-Speech System Quality on Emotional States and Frontal Alpha Band Power. Paper presented at the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, San Diego, CA, USA.
  • Arndt, S., Bürglen, J., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R. & Möller, S. (2013, October). Einfluss der Audiomodalität auf die Wahrnehmung und Qualitätsbeurteilung (audio-)visueller Stimuli. Paper presented at the 10th Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, Berlin, Germany.
  • Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S. & Schleicher, R. (2013, September). Effect of Questionnaire Order on Ratings of Perceived Quality and Experienced Affect. Paper presented at the 4th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2013), Vienna, Austria.
  • Arndt, S., Schleicher, R. & Antons, J.-N. (2013, September). Does Low Quality Audiovisual Content Increase Fatigue of Viewers?. Paper presented at the 4th International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2013), Vienna, Austria.
  • Schleicher, R., Arndt, S. & Antons, J.-N. (2013, August). Changes in blinking behavior while watching videos with reduced quality. Paper presented at the 17th European Conference on Eye Movements (ECEM 2013), Lund, Sweden.
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Gupta, R., Laghari, K., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Falk, T. H. (2013, July). Subjective quality ratings and physiological correlates of synthesized speech. Poster presented at the 5th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2013), Klagenfurt, Austria.
  • Antons, J.-N., Köster, F., Arndt, S., Möller, S. & Schleicher, R. (2013, July). Changes of vigilance caused by varying bit rate conditions. Poster presented at the 5th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2013), Klagenfurt, Austria.
  • Laghari, K., Gupta, R., Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Möller, S. & Falk, T. H. (2013, June). Auditory BCIs for Visually Impaired Users: Should Developers Worry About the Quality of Text-to-Speech Readers?. Paper presented at the 5th International BCI Meeting, Pacific Grove, CA, USA.
  • Laghari, K., Gupta, R., Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Falk, T. H. (2013, May). Neurophysiological Experimental Facility for Quality of Experience (QoE) Assessment. Paper presented at the 1st IFIP/IEEE international workshop on quality of experience ( QoE) centric management (QCMan 2013), Ghent, Belgium.
  • Antons, J.-N., Laghari, K., Arndt, S., Schleicher, R., Möller, S., O’Shaughnessy, D. & Falk, T. H. (2013, May). Cognitive, Affective, and Experience Correlates of Speech Quality Perception in Complex Listening Conditions. Poster presented at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  • Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S., Seebode, J., Schleicher, R. & Möller, S. (2013, April). Did You Notice? Neuronal Processing of Multimodal Mobile Phone Feedback. Poster presented at the annual conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI 2013), Paris, France.
  • Matthies, D. J.C., Antons, J.-N., Heidmann, F., Wettach, R. & Schleicher, R. (2012, October). NeuroPad: Use Cases For A Mobile Physiological Interface. Poster presented at the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI 2012), Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Möller, S., Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S., Porbadnigk, A. K. & Schleicher, R. (2012, August). Zum Einsatz von Elektroenzephalographie bei der Messung der Wahrnehmug gestörter Sprache. Paper presented at the 23rd Konferenz Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV 2012), Cottbus, Germany.
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2012, July). Perception of Low-Quality Videos Analyzed by Means of Electroencephalography. Poster presented at the 4th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2012), Yarra Valley, Australia.
  • Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Arndt, S., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2012, July). Too Tired for Calling? A Physiological Measure of Fatigue Caused by Bandwidth Limitations. Poster presented at the 4th Int. Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2012), Yarra Valley, Australia.
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Möller, S., Scholler, S. & Curio, G. (2012, April). Correlating Physiological with Behavioural Data in Quality Research. Paper presented at the Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TEAP 2012), Mannheim, Germany.
  • Arndt, S., Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Möller, S., Scholler, S. & Curio, G. (2011, December). A Physiological Approach to Determine Video Quality. Paper presented at the IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2011), Dana Point, CA, USA.
  • Porbadnigk, A. K., Antons, J.-N., Treder, M. S., Blankertz, B., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2011, May). Using ERPs to Assess the Processing of Words Under Broadcast Bit Rate Limitations. Poster presented at the Meeting of the Society of Applied Neurosciences (SAN 2011), Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Antons, J.-N., Porbadnigk, A. K., Schleicher, R., Blankertz, B., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2010, November). Subjective Listening Tests and Neural Correlates of Speech Degradation in Case of Signal-correlated Noise. Paper presented at the 129th Audio Engineering Society Convention (129th AES Convention), San Francisco, CA, USA.
  • Antons, J.-N., Porbadnigk, A. K., Schleicher, R., Blankertz, B., Möller, S. & Curio, Gabriel (2010, October). You think it's hi-fi – yet your brain might spot the difference: An EEG study on subconscious processing of noisy audio signals. Paper presented at the 10th Biannual Meeting of the German Society for Cognitive Science (KogWis 2010), Potsdam, Germany.
  • Porbadnigk, A. K., Antons, J.-N., Blankertz, B., Treder, M. S., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2010, September). Assessing the (Sub-)Conscious Processing of Noise based on ERPs. Poster presented at the Bernstein Conference on Computational Neuroscience (BCCN 2010), Berlin, Germany.
  • Antons, J.-N., Schleicher, R., Wolf, I., Porbadnigk, A. K., Blankertz, B., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2010, September). Neural correlates of speech degradation – Subjective ratings and brain activation in case of signal-correlated noise. Paper presented at the 3rd International Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2010), Bautzen, Germany.
  • Porbadnigk, A. K., Antons, J.-N., Blankertz, B., Treder, M. S., Schleicher, R., Möller, S. & Curio, G. (2010, January). Using ERPs for Assessing the (Sub)Conscious Perception of Noise. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2010), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Other Conference

  • Haeger, C., Mümken, S., Spang, R. P., Brauer, M., Voigt-Antons, J.N. & Gellert, P. (2024, September). What importance does outpatient care have for mobility in rural areas? Results from a GPS study among persons aged 75 and older. Paper presented at the 23. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung 2024. Potsdam, Germany.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Dovhalevska, A., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, June). Dishonesty Tendencies in Testing Scenarios Among Students with Virtual Reality and Computer-Mediated Technology. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2024). Washington DC, USA.
  • Vergari, M., Kojić, T., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Abboud, O. & Xiao, X. (2024, June). Optimizing XR User Experiences through Network-Based Asset Bundles. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2024). Washington DC, USA.
  • Vergari, M., Kojić, T., Warsinke, M., Möller, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Xiao, X. & Abboud, O. (2024, June). The influence of the level of detail and interactivity of 3D elements on UX in XR applications. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2024). Washington DC, USA.
  • Ashrafi, N., Neuhaus, V., Vona, F., Peric, N., Shiban, Y., & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2024, June). Effect of external characteristics of a virtual human being during the use of a computer-assisted therapy tool. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2024). Washington DC, USA.
  • McWilliams, G., Phillips, D., McEvoy, B., Phillips, E., Lydon, D., Chang, J. R., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., ... & Crooks, N. (2023). Shaping the Metaverse: policy engagement with immersive technologies in the UK.
  • Graf, P., Marquardt, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2023, November). Beziehungsarbeit in partizipativen Forschungskontexten – Lösung oder Folgeproblem?. Paper presented at the Second conference on networking and strengthening participation in science (PatWiss 2023). Chemnitz, Germany.
  • Vona, F., Ashrafi, N. Ceranic, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2023, July). Using immersive technology to support health care of elderly. Poster presented at the ITG and Charité Workshop Digitalization of health care for older people. Berlin, Germany.
  • Hillmann, S., Ashrafi, N., Graf, P., Harnisch, P., Jansen, E., Marquardt, M., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2023, July). Multimodal Interactive Assistance for the Digital Collection of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures. Paper presented at the ITG and Charité Workshop Digitalization of health care for older people. Berlin, Germany.
  • Vona, F., Ceranic, M., Rybnikova, I., & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2023, July). Designing User-Centered Simulations of Leadership Situations for Cave Automatic Virtual Environments: Development and Usability Study. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2023). Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Kojić, T., Luebbing, L., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2023, July). Embedding Self-Assessment Manikins in Mobile Augmented Reality Applications. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2023). Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Sun, Z., Vergari, M., Ashrafi, N., Vona, F., & Kojić, T. (2023, März). Impact of spatial auditory navigation on user experience during augmented outdoor navigation tasks. Paper presented at the annual congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DAGA 2023), Hamburg, Germany.
  • Lech, S., O´Sullivan, J. L., Spang, R. P., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. & Nordheim, J. (2022, November). Dementia and the role of evidence-based guidelines in primary care – Results of a cluster randomised controlled trial. Paper presented at the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting.
  • Spang, R. P., Pieper, K., Oesterle, B., Brauer, M., Haeger, C., Mümken, S., Gellert, P. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2022, August). Making Sense of the Noise - Integrating Multiple Analyses for Stop and Trip Classification. Paper presented at the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G 2022). Firenze, Italy.
  • Spang, R. P., Pieper, K., Oesterle, B., Brauer, M., Haeger, C., Mümken, S., Gellert, P. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2022, August). The STAGA-Dataset: Stop and Trip Annotated GPS and Accelerometer Data of Everyday Life. Paper presented at the Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G 2022). Firenze, Italy.
  • Burkert, P., Schaufler, B. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2022, June). ColorTable: Manipulating Tasting Experiences, Impact of Light Color on Food Flavor Perception. Poster presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2022). Virtual event.
  • Spang, R. P., Machačík, P., Pieper, K., Vergari, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2022, June). Reconstruction and Physiological Basis of Samsung’s Galaxy Watch Stress Score. Poster presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual event.
  • Vergari, M., Kojić, T., Hillmann, S., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2022, June). Towards Improvement of UX using Gamification for Public Artistic and Historical Artefacts in AR. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual event.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2022, June). Using Eye Tracking for Assessing User Experience of Text Readability in Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual event.
  • Mümken, S., Spang, R. P., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Ackermann, C., Dräger, D. & Gellert, P. (2021, October). Nutzung GPS-basierter Bewegungsdaten im Längsschnitt zur Evaluation am Beispiel der MOBILE-Intervention zur Förderung außerhäuslicher Mobilität alter Menschen. Paper presented at 20. Deutschen Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (20. DKVF DIGITAL). Weimar, Germany, online.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Thangaraj, R., Braune, M. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2021, July). Influence of Visualisation Design of Data Streams on User Experience in Virtual Reality. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Washington DC, USA.
  • Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Devaikin, P. & Kojić, T. (2021, July). Automatic Recognition of Experienced Emotional State from Body Movement. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Washington DC, USA.
  • Burghart, M., O´Sullivan, J. L., Spang, R. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2021, July). DemSelf, a Mobile App for Self-Administered Touch-Based Cognitive Screening: Participatory Design with Stakeholders. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Washington DC, USA.
  • Ganser, K., Kojić, T. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2021, July). User Experience of Connected Services in Cars. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Washington DC, USA.
  • Lech, S., O’Sullivan, J. L., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Greinacher, R., Gellert, P., Kuhlmey, A. & Nordheim, J. (2021, February). Ambulante Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz in Berlin und Umgebung - Querschnittsdaten aus der DemTab-Studie. Abstract presented at the 2. Charité-Versorgungsforschungskongress. Berlin, Germany.
  • O’Sullivan, J. L., Lech, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Greinacher, R., Gellert, P., Kuhlmey, A. & Nordheim, J. (2020, November). DemTab – Tabletgestützte ambulante Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz: Leitlinienbasierte Behandlungsplanung, individuelles Krankheitsmanagement und Vernetzung. Abstract presented at the Online-Symposium des Fachausschuss „Alter und Technik“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (DGGG) "COVID-19 als : Was wir aus der Krise zum Thema Altern und Digitalisierung lernen können“, virtual event.
  • Schatz, R., Kim, E. S., Bieber, A.-M., Bieg, T., Greinacher, R., Laird, L., Mildner, P., Neureiter, K., Rochon, E., Möller, S. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2020, November). 12170: User-Centered Design of a Multimodal Training App for People with Aphasia. Proposal accepted at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA (Convention canceled).
  • Schmitt, E. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2020, July). Predicting tap locations on touch screens in the field using accelerometer and gyroscope sensor readings. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 1-10). Springer, Cham.
  • Greinacher, R. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2020, July). Accuracy Assessment of ARKit 2Based Gaze Estimation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 1–10). Springer, Cham.
  • O’Sullivan, J. L., Lech, S., Gellert, P., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Greinacher, R., Möller, S. Kuhlmey, A. & Nordheim, J. (2020, February). DemTab – Tablet-basierte ambulante Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz: eine cluster-randomisierte kontrollierte Studie. Paper presented at the IfG Jahrestagung "Wohnen und Gesundheit im Alter", Vechta, Germany.
  • O‘Sullivan, J., Nordheim, J., Lech, S., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., J., Gellert, P., & Kuhlmey, A. (2019, September). Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz. Vortrag auf der Fachtagung der Sektionen III und IV der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, Berlin, DE.
  • Lech, S., Supplieth J., O‘Sullivan, J. L., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., J., Gellert, P., Kuhlmey, A. & Nordheim, J. (2019, Mai). Tablet-based Outpatient Care of People with Dementia: A Qualitative Feasibility Study. Poster presented at the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, Gothenburg, SWE.
  • Lech, S., O’Sullivan-Solte, J., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. & Nordheim, J. (2018, October). Tablet-based outpatient care for people with dementia: Guideline-based treatment planning, personalized disease management and network-based care. Poster presented at the 14th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS), Berlin, Germany.
  • Lech, S., Nordheim, J., Gellert, P., O’Sullivan-Solte, J. & Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2018, September). Tabletgestützte ambulante Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz. Paper presented at the Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, Köln, Germany.
  • Nordheim, J., O’Sullivan, J., Gellert, P., Arndt, S., Kuhlmey, A. & Antons, J.-N. (2017, July). Tablet-based intervention for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia: A cluster RCT. Paper presented at the 21th World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. International Association of Gerontological Societies (IAGG 2017), San Francisco, USA.
  • O'Sullivan, J., Nordheim, J., Jordan, L., Hesse, B., Möller, S. & Antons, J.-N. (2017, July). Information and Communications Technology in Dementia Care: Acceptance among Professional Caregivers. Paper presented at the 21th World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. International Association of Gerontological Societies (IAGG 2017), San Francisco, USA.
  • O’Sullivan, J., Antons, J.-N., Jordan, L.-M., Nordheim, J., Möller, S. & Kuhlmey, A. (2016, November). Eine Tablet-gestützte psychosoziale Intervention zur Erhaltung der Lebensqualität von Pflegeheimbewohnern mit Demenz. Erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts PflegeTab als Poster. Poster presented at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde Kongress 2016 (DGPPN 2016), Berlin, Germany.
  • O’Sullivan, J., Jordan, L.-M., Antons, J.-N., Gellert, P. & Nordheim, J. (2016, September). Akzeptanz neuer Technologien im Arbeitsalltag von Pflegeheimmitarbeitern. Poster presented at the Gesundheit – bio.psycho.sozial 2.0 – Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Soziologie (DGMS) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Medizinische Psychologie (DGMP), Berlin, Germany.
  • Núñez Castellar, E. P., Antons, J.-N., Marinazzo, D. & Van Looy, J. (2016, September). Functional connectivity of orienting and executive attentional networks during flow: Granger Causality analysis of EEG recordings. Paper presented at the 18th World Congress of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP 2016), Habana, Cuba.
  • Möller, S. & Antons, J.-N. (2015, November). Motivating New Interaction Experiences Involving Implicit Interaction, Body Sensors, Adaptive, and Persuasive Interfaces. Paper presented at the Future and Emerging Trends in Language Technology (FETLT 2015), Seville, Spain.
  • Núñez Castellar, E. P., Antons, J.-N. & Van Looy, J. (2015, June). Investigating the Neural Correlates of the Subjective Flow Experience During Game Play: an EEG Study. Poster presented at the annual congress of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2015), Honolulu, USA.
  • Arndt, S., Möller, S. & Antons, J.-N. (2015, March). Challenging ITU-T P.835: Searching for the optimal order of scales for assessing the quality of complex speech signals. Paper presented at the 41st annual congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DAGA 2015), Nürnberg, Germany.
  • Antons, J.-N., Laghari, K., Schleicher, R, Arndt, S., Falk, T. & Möller, S. (2013, March). Neural correlates of Affective States and Speech Perception: Towards Quality-of-Experience Measurement of Reverberant Speech. Poster presented at the 39st annual congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik (DAGA 2013), Merano, Italy.

Contribution to Standardization

  • Vona, F., El Asmar, B., Elhajj, I., Bailer, W., Thallinger, G., Curcio, I., Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2023, October). Use cases and MPEG technologies for Metaverse-related experiences. Contribution presented to the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 2 N 324 as M65744, Hannover, Germany.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Vlahović, S., Skorin-Kapov, L., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2023, September). ITU-T P.IntVR: "Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications" - Test methods and test measurements for Interactive Virtual Reality. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 0174 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Vlahović, S., Skorin-Kapov, L., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2023, September). ITU-T P.IntVR: "Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications" - Test methods, test equipment, and test participants for Interactive Virtual Reality. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 0173 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kojić, T., Vergari, M., Vlahović, S., Skorin-Kapov, L., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2023, September). ITU-T P.IntVR: "Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications" - Social acceptability, test paradigm, experimental design and test environment for Interactive Virtual Reality - Quality of Experience aspects for Interactive Virtual Reality. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 0171 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2022, June). ITU-T P.IntVR: "Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications" - Quality of Experience aspects for Interactive Virtual Reality. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 0060 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2021, October). ITU-T P.IntVR: "Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications". Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 602 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2021, October). Update of Human IF for ITU-T Rec G.1035. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 605 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2021, May). Proposal for new Work Item P.IntVR: Subjective Test Method for Interactive Virtual Reality Applications. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 548 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Kojić, T., Voigt-Antons, J.-N., & Möller, S. (2021, May). Contribution to ITU-T Rec G.1035: Contribution for Human Influencing Factors - Static and Dynamic Human Factors. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 562 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Voigt-Antons, J.-N. (2021, April). Contribution to DKE/AK STD_1000.8.5: VDE-Anwendungsregel "Digitale Qualifizierung im Gesundheitsbereich – Grundlagen". Contribution presented to the DKE Deutsche Kommission Elektrotechnik, Elektronik Informationstechnik in DIN und VDE, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
  • Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S. & Möller, S. (2016, January). Structure proposal for the work item on the use of physiological measures as an additional test method for speech quality assessment (P.PHYSIO). Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 307 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Möller, S., Antons, J.-N. & Arndt, S. (2015, May). Proposal to Work on a Recommendation on the Use of Physiological Measures as an Additional Test Method for Speech Quality Assessment. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 - C 272 - E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Möller, S., Antons, J.-N., Beyer, J., Egger, S., Núñez Castellar, E. P., Skorin-Kapov, L. & Suznjevic, M. (2015, May). Comments on Draft P.GAME. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 - C 270 - E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Antons, J.-N., Arndt, S. & Möller, S. (2014, December). Effect of Presenting Multiple vs. Single Rating Scales After Stimulus Presentation on Subjective Quality Ratings. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 201 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2013, December). Effects of Rating Scale Order on Subjective Quality Ratings of the Speech Signal Alone, the Background Noise Alone, and Overall Quality. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 113 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2013, December). Using Physiological Data for Assessing Variations of the Cognitive State Evoked by Quality Profiles. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 112 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Antons, J.-N. & Möller, S. (2013, March). Investigating the Subjective Judgment Process Using Physiological Data. Contribution presented to the ITU-T SG12 as COM 12 – C 39 – E, Geneva, Switzerland.

The vision of DIDYMOS-XR is to enable realistic and dynamic XR applications using AI. Therefore, the project focuses on advancing technologies for the creation of large-scale digital twins that are synchronized with the real world. DIDYMOS-XR explores and develops methods for reconstruction and mapping from heterogeneous inputs, including static and mobile sensors, AI-based data fusion, scene understanding, and rendering. Use Cases will involve cityscape and industry scnearios.

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The overall goal of the collaborative project is to develop, implement, and evaluate a multimodal, interactive assistance system for the digital collection of PROMs (Patient-Reported Outcome Measures) using AI methods in a clinical setting. On an interactional level, the aim is to make the collection of PROMs more accessible through additional modalities. The assistance system should inform about itself and the potential of PROMs collection, and motivate patients to fully answer all questions.

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Successfully managing the transition brought about by digitalization and demographic changes presents a major challenge for the industrially strong region of South Westphalia and its predominantly small and medium-sized enterprises in the coming decades. The transfer of digitalization expertise from universities to the region is therefore a key factor in overcoming these challenges and maximizing the opportunities for the region. Against this backdrop, the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences and the HSHL aim to contribute to a future-oriented South Westphalia.

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The DigiOnTrack project is developing a cost-effective, wireless monitoring system for tracks and vehicles, based on simple retrofit solutions. In the long term, the project aims to reduce maintenance costs for rail infrastructure and vehicles through condition-based maintenance planning. The sub-project lays the foundation for the implementation of preventive and predictive maintenance strategies. The system is intended to be capable of detecting potential problems before they occur and recommending preventive measures to minimize downtime and repair costs.

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The ARiadne project aims to develop an innovative augmented reality (AR) navigation application for pedestrians that leverages the capabilities of immersive media. Unlike traditional navigation apps, ARiadne will offer personalized routes based on individual preferences and integrate additional content such as cultural events. The project is a joint project of SWCode UG and Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, combining industrial expertise with academic research. SWCode UG will focus on developing a precise and resource-efficient localization process, while the university will work on the multimodal user interface. The project demonstrates the versatility of AR technology in various fields. The expected result is a user-friendly, intuitive AR navigation system that improves spatial orientation in complex urban environments and represents a significant advance over current navigation technologies.

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Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons
Professor , Head of the Lab
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Francesco Vona
Senior Reserach Scientist (Postdoc)
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Miladin Ceranic
Reserach Scientist
Navid Ashrafi
Reserach Scientist
Sina Hinzmann
Reserach Scientist
Michelle Hallman
Reserach Scientist
Michael Stern
Reserach Scientist
Julia Schorlemmer
Reserach Scientist
Tanja Kojic
Guest Researcher
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Maurizio Vergari
Guest Researcher
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Maximilian Warsinke
Guest Researcher
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Darleen Leack
Student Worker
Mohamed Ahmed M.A. Amer
Student Worker
Omar Abdellatif
Student Worker
Osamah Hatem
Student Worker
Dan Schulte
Student Worker

Contact us

The Immersive Reality Lab is part of the Department Lippstadt 2 of Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences. To contact the lab, please email To contact an individual, please see our team section.

Mailing address

Marker Allee 76-78, 59063 Hamm

Physical address

Dr.-Arnold-Hueck-Straße 3, 59557 Lippstadt



+49 2381 87 89 914

© Immersive Reality Lab, Marker Allee 76-78, 59063 Hamm. Impressum